Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Boys and their toys

An image showing the intrepid photographers, I'm the sleeking looking one in the centre and Smith to the left, and a couple of friends of ours to the right. Doing our best to capture some Eider ducks on film, well the light sensitive sensor actually.

The castle is Bamburgh Castle in Northumberland, England.

Canon 10D with 16 mm to 35 mm f2.8 lens taken by Sheila Adshead

Barrier reef anemone fish

Staying on the theme of symbiotic relationships that I mentioned in an earlier post. Here are a couple of more images demonstrating this relationship. This time on the Great Barrier reef off Queensland, Australia.

Nikonos RS with 50 mm macro lens, SB 102 flashgun. Kodak Ektachrome scanned with Nikon Super Coolscan